I thought this would be an easy one but its not working as expected.
I have a custom campaign type that has a "Meeting Time field" and i want to include that meeting time in an automatic email that goes to new leads added to that campaign.
I tried simply refering to the campaign in a text based email template as well as using a related to object in a visualforce email template both with no luck
I even tried using an workflow based email alert on new campaign members but that didnt work either?
New leads are added via a simple web to lead form.
whats the easiest way to achieve this?
This is an example of the visualforce email
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Thanks for your interest" recipientType="Lead" relatedToType="CampaignMember">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
Dear {!recipient.FirstName},
Thank you for you for signing up for a Virtual Presentation on {!relatedTo.Campaign.Meeting_Time__c} Eastern!