I wrote a trigger to find the duplicate and add error in the trigger.Before insert context
Set<string> appnameSet = new set<string>();
for(test1__c test : trigger.new)
List<test1__c> testList = new List<test1__c >();
for(test1__c tt: [select appName__c from Test1__c where APPName__c IN :appnameSet])
for(test1__c tt1: trigger.new)
if(tt1.appName__c == tt.appName__c )
tt1.addError('Duplicate app name found') ;
Its working as expected for single record.
But when i insert the data in bulk
List<Test1__c> testListinsert = new List<Test1__c>()
testListinsert.add(new Test1__c(name="One",appName__c = 'APP1'));
testListinsert.add(new Test1__c(name="Two",appName__c = 'APP1')); //Duplicate
testListinsert.add(new Test1__c(name="Three",appName__c = 'APP1'));//Duplicate
insert testListinsert;
So it should check within this bulk records. it should allow record "One" and it should add error for "Two" and "Three".
We want that logic to be in trigger. Any idea?