You need to use before update since you are trying to update same object record.
You can directly query and update the opportunity No_Of_Contact__c field
trigger fulfillmentcontactcreatedopp on Opportunity (before update) {
map<Id, Opportunity> mapOpportunity = trigger.Newmap;
// Use aggregate query to get the total count
for(AggregateResult objAgg: [select OpportunityId, count(id) totalCount
from OpportunityContactRole
where OpportunityId in:mapOpportunity.keySet()
group by OpportunityId] )
mapOpportunity.get((Id)objAgg.get('OpportunityId')).No_Of_Contact__c = (Integer)objAgg.get('totalCount') ;
Since we can't create trigger on opportunitycontactrole
SO you can create a batch and that batch will count all child opportunitycontactrole
You can run this batch hourly basis or 1/2 hourly basis your wish
global class UpdateOpportunityFields implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator('SELECT Id, No_Of_Contact__c FROM Opportunity');
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Opportunity> scope){
map<Id, Opportunity> mapOpportunity = new map<Id, Opportunity>(scope);
for(AggregateResult objAgg: [select OpportunityId, count(id) totalCount
from OpportunityContactRole
where OpportunityId in:scope
group by OpportunityId] )
mapOpportunity.get((Id)objAgg.get('OpportunityId')).No_Of_Contact__c = (Integer)objAgg.get('totalCount') ;
update mapOpportunity.values();
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ }