I have a trigger on my Opportunity object that executes after insert and simply posts a new FeedItem to a specific group within my instance when the Opportunity record Stage is set to "Signed". Here is the method I'm calling to instantiate each FeedItem.
private FeedItem createSignedRecordPost(Opportunity o, String groupId)
//create new feed item to insert
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = groupId;
post.CreatedById = o.OwnerId;
post.Body = 'BOOM! #InkBaby Put $'+ Math.round(o.SalesFundingAmount__c) +' on the board!';
post.LinkUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/' + o.Id;
post.Title = o.Name;
return post;
After instantiating a list of FeedItems, I insert them at the end of my trigger logic.
Now, I have created the following unit test to test this logic:
static testMethod void recordSignedChatterPostTest()
//create account
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'Test Account';
insert a;
//create contact
Contact c = new Contact();
c.FirstName = 'John';
c.LastName = 'Doe';
c.AccountId = a.Id;
c.Phone = '1234567890';
insert c;
//create opportunity
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.AccountId = a.Id;
o.StageName = 'First Appointment';
o.CloseDate = system.today();
o.Name = 'Test Opp 1';
insert o;
//create primary contact record
OpportunityContactRole cRole = new OpportunityContactRole();
cRole.OpportunityId = o.Id;
cRole.ContactId = c.Id;
cRole.IsPrimary = true;
cRole.Role = 'Decision Maker';
insert cRole;
//create chatter collaboration group
CollaborationGroup[] chatterGroup = [SELECT Id FROM CollaborationGroup WHERE Name='INKBABY' LIMIT 1];
system.assertEquals(1, chatterGroup.size());
//update opportunity stagename to 'Signed'
o.StageName = 'Signed';
update o;
Opportunity oppId = [SELECT Id, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :o.Id LIMIT 1];
//new chatter feed item should have been added to the record
FeedItem[] items = [SELECT Id, Title, ParentId FROM FeedItem WHERE CreatedDate=TODAY ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC];
system.assertEquals(1, items.size(), 'There should only be one chatter post at this time.');
//check that Stage Name is set to signed
system.assertEquals(oppId.StageName, 'Signed');
//assert that the feed post was posted to the ink baby group
//system.assertEquals(inkBabyGroupId, items[0].ParentId);
system.debug('--DEBUG-- Name and Title (should be the same) '+o.Name+ ', ' + items[0].Title);
//assert that the feed post title is the name of the opportunity
//system.assertEquals(o.Name, item.Title);
When I run this unit test I receive the following error: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 006e0000002Wc6GAAS; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [CloseDate]: [CloseDate]
As you can see in my unit test, I'm clearly setting the CloseDate of the Opportunity record. I'm really at a loss for words on this error. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?