So I have a flow so that users can create cases.
In my current flow Screen Input -> record create -> Thank you screen. I want users to go back from the thank you screen and edit what they wrote without creating duplicate records, So I changed the order of operations. It would be Screen Input -> thank you -> record create. The problem with this is that my Finish_location is not working. I get the following error:
The Visualforce page code:
<apex:page controller="Quick_Case" >
<flow:interview name="Quick_Case" interview="{!flowInstance}" finishLocation="{!FinishLocation}" buttonLocation="bottom">
<apex:param name="Role" value="{!$User.UserRoleId}"/>
<apex:param name="Department" value="{!$User.Department}"/>
<apex:param name="CurrUserID" value="{!$User.Id}"/>
The Apex Class:
public class Quick_Case {
Public Flow.Interview.Quick_Case flowInstance{get; set;}
Public PageReference getFinishLocation() {
String ID = '';
if(flowInstance != null)
ID = flowInstance.caseid;
PageReference send = new PageReference('/' + ID);
return send;
variable in your Flow correctly set to be of type Output?