I am creating a series of Roll-up Summaries on the standard WorkOrder Object, summarizing the standard TotalPrice field on the WorkOrderLineItem Object. However, this field does not appear on the list of available fields to aggregate.
Some notes:
- TotalPrice is not a Formula field, but a Currency field.
- There is a standard Roll-up Summary field on WorkOrder that summarizes the TotalPrice field
- To answer questions about why I don't use the above-mentioned field, we are looking to aggregate specific subsets of WorkOrderLineItems in separate fields
- We are not at our Limit of total number of Roll-up Summary fields on Work Order
I cannot find any reason why this field would not be available. It is the same concept and data model as Opportunities vs Opportunity Products and the TotalPrice field is available to aggregate there. I cannot find documentation regarding any limits on Rull-up Summaries looking at a specific field, however, there is currently just the 1 Standard field aggregating it today and I know you can have more than that.