My customer wants to send bell notifications whenever you add an Attendant to an Event.
Is there a way to create custom bell notifications via apex code?
If not, is it possible to achieve this without any mail provider integration?
My customer wants to send bell notifications whenever you add an Attendant to an Event.
Is there a way to create custom bell notifications via apex code?
If not, is it possible to achieve this without any mail provider integration?
I am not sure if it is the best approach, but I had a situation very close of that. I needed to create a notification for an user linked with a Case.
List<FeedItem> FeedItemList = New List<FeedItem>();
for (Case caseitem : CaseCreateAlert) {
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = caseitem.OwnerId;
post.Body = caseitem.Message_To_Alert__c;
post.Title = 'Case';
post.LinkUrl = '/lightning/r/Case/' + caseitem.ID + '/view';
if (FeedItemList.size()>0) {
insert FeedItemList;
This source code is not perfect and it is for reference only. You could have issue if the case owner is a Queue, for example.
would probably work in certain scenarios.
From Winter 2021 you will be able to send notifications directly using apex. The below code works with winter 2021 and later.
Id typeId = [SELECT Id FROM CUstomNotificationType WHERE DeveloperName = 'notification type name'].Id;
Messaging.CustomNotification notification = new Messaging.CustomNotification();
notification.setBody('This is body of the custom notification!');
notification.setTitle('Hi this is first notification sent using apex!');
notification.setNotificationTypeId(typeId );
notification.setTargetId('006B0000005hCxzIAE'); // target object id
notification.send(new Set<String> { Userinfo.getUserId() }); // target user id.
Send Custom Notifications from Apex
My Blog post on this: - send custom notification using-apex
You can definitely send Bell Notifications via apex. Andrew Fawcett explained this feature in detail in his article
A month ago I had a task to send a notification to my user when deletion of test data is finished. This is an example code how it was done:
public class MyBellNotification
public static void notifyCurrentUser(String message)
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
+ '/services/data/v46.0/actions/standard/customNotificationAction');
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + UserInfo.getSessionId());
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
CustomNotificationActionInput input = new CustomNotificationActionInput();
input.customNotifTypeId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
input.recipientIds = new List<String>{UserInfo.getUserId()};
input.title = 'Test Data Operation Completed';
input.body = message;
input.targetId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
CustomNotificationAction action = new CustomNotificationAction();
action.inputs = new List<CustomNotificationActionInput>{input};
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
public class CustomNotificationAction
public List<CustomNotificationActionInput> inputs { get; set; }
public class CustomNotificationActionInput
public String customNotifTypeId { get; set; }
public List<String> recipientIds { get; set; }
public String title { get; set; }
public String body { get; set; }
public String targetId { get; set; }
A few things to note:
SELECT Id, DeveloperName FROM CustomNotificationType
.input.customNotifTypeId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
and input.targetId = '0ML0b000000KyjGGAS';
fields. If you want you can use the id of an Attendant record in the targetId
field. It will generate a link to that record in the notification text.public without sharing class Notification implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts { String message;
public Notification(String message)
this.message = message;
public void execute(QueueableContext context)
This is just a use case sample DO NOT USE this lines in your code as you will delete 10,000 accounts from your org:
Database.delete(Database.query('SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10000 WHERE isTestData__c = TRUE'));
System.enqueueJob(new Notification('Records deleted'));
You can achieve the bell notification through the new Summer '19 Custom Notifications feature however, it's not triggerable via APEX just yet. I know this doesn't directly answer the question re: APEX, but it's a pretty simple process builder.
Upside of this is that you can also deliver these as push notifications to the user's mobile device/watch etc. (so long as they have the Salesforce1 app installed).