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12 votes

How to OWASP ZAP scan external REST API using OAuth2

For Finding vulnerabilities in the API only application(does not have a web app and you have access to only its REST API), you can configure proxies in the Postman and execute OAuth and other REST api ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
4 votes

Security Review: Cloud Service uses and stores OAuth tokens

If part of App Exchange offering is an external app, it will be checked by Security Team the same way the Salesforce App is checked so: you need to perform a security scan (Chimera or Zap), fix ...
Anna Walach's user avatar
4 votes

How to OWASP ZAP scan external REST API using OAuth2

If the accepted answer is too detailed for you, here is a short summary of what was important for me: ZAP is the right tool. But forget everything you read on Google on how to make it directly talk ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
2 votes

Question about Endpoint scanning (ZAP) for security review

For external endpoints , there are 2 types : Endpoints owned by package publisher : Since package publisher owns the external endpoint, it needs Chimera scan as stated here. Endpoints not owned by ...
Rohit's user avatar
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1 vote

Scan report for custom REST service for security review. Is that mandatory?

As mentioned in Force guide, SF accepts only APIs for client apps to communicate and hence as a part of security review API-only app security review. If app has callouts to any other application other ...
Raghu's user avatar
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