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Big Object Record Limits

The 1 million record limit for Big Objects in Salesforce is a cumulative limit across all Big Objects in your org. This means that if you create multiple Big Objects, the total number of records ...
Tushar Jadav's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a significant difference between deleting a record and deleting data on the record but not the record itself?

Every record takes up the exact same storage based on its type. For most records, this is 2kb per record. If you erase every single field value, but don't delete the record itself, it will still use ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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1 vote

How does data storage get calculated for Salesforce CMS Content Records?

I haven't found anything that specifies the exact storage amounts for Content Records. But you could run some initial tests of your own by: Setting up a Content Record Navigating to Setup > ...
SamV's user avatar
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