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Marketing Cloud API - Bad Request (400)/interaction/v1/events

I am trying to use the /interaction/v1/events API.

I have made a request to #https:#// using my clientid and clientsecret and get back a accessToken

When I try to make a request to POST #https:#// I get back a 400 Bad Request response with message

{"message":"Runtime Error. Retry this action. Contact Global Support if the issue persists","errorcode":30000,"documentation":""}

This is the request that I am trying to send

POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer 6cgKi6pGScl9AkIwkKjrH3cF Host: Content-Length: 181

{"ContactKey": "ID601","EventDefinitionKey":"Cub_Competition","EstablishContactKey": false,"Data": {"FirstName":"Andy Elks","EmailAddress":"[email protected]","Choice":"Mika"}}

Why is this not working?, I have followed the documentation here
