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2 answers

how can i calculate total value in a table row with javascript in visualforce page?

i have a table with 3 column in visualforce page there is one input value and others are output value. When input value is changes, input value and second column value must be multiplied and the third ...
merve-bulut's user avatar
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On click of button another method is called before the actual method is called [closed]

Im new to salesforce. I have just started with apex and Vf. I have built one vf where on page load it fetches account list and displays it in table. Before displaying it in table it calls another ...
yakshith bangera's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to display table data inside apex:repeat horizontally? [duplicate]

<apex:form id="SectionTrack"> <table style="border: 2px solid black;"> <apex:repeat value="{!listT}" var="tp" id="Track_Table"> <tr><th >...
Febin's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Show result of apex repeat in single row

<table> <apex:repeat value="{!dataList}" var="List" id="dataTable"> <tr> <th> Name </th> <th> Status</th&...
kanishka's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Rowspan with apex repeat

I try to create a table with rowspan, but get a wrong table, could somebody help to resolve this? This is my UPD VF Page: <apex:page controller="FinancialProductsController" showHeader="false" ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Visualforce as PDF with table format [duplicate]

I have a some content in my visualforce page which I am rendering as a PDF. I am unable to display the content of my VF in tabular format. below is the code which I am trying to get as a PDF file: ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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<tr> and <td> tags within <apex:repeat> rendering above the table?

I am making a table that has within it to fill it with rows and fill the cells with information. I cannot use a pageBlockTable as I am using many sets of information that all need to go into the ...
Cody Beaner's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using nested apex:repeat and pageBlockTable in a page

Well, I couldn't find a way to explain in a simple way my issue (thus the poor title). I am trying to build a page in which I have to separate some records using two fields on it. One of them is a ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to add page breaks to visual force page rendered as pdf so that a dynamically rendered list in apex repeat tag does not strech the table lines

I have created a VF page rendered as pdf for QuoteLineItems in which I have added the list inside <apex:repeat> tags inside a html table row which again is inside another table.The problem ...
Aditya Sagam's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

apex:outputPanel condition for apex:repeat won't render table properly

I'm working on creating PDF Purchase order page in VisaulForce. I get stuck when rendering Purchase order line items, which are related items to Purchase order. All worked great until I put a ...
mascot's user avatar
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Limit number of tables displayed in one page (When using Apex:Repeat), when redering as pdf to avoid page/table breaks

I have the following VF page, but when I render it as pdf the Apex:repeat tables break in the middle to the next page. I'm thinking of limiting the tables displayed in each page to avoid table breaks. ...
Tinkerbell's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Highlight row on selected ( apex repeat )

I need to highlight the row on click of anchor link. <apex:repeat value="{!Requests}" var="request"> <tr> <td>&...
sfdc's user avatar
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