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Error from Rows.Add

I have the following script that returns the array as expected. When I go to add the "Rows.Add" aspect, I get a 500 error. I am testing the script on a cloudpage with plans to move it to an ...
Tariq McLeod's user avatar
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SSJS - Read a Data Extension after an Rows.Update

i'm now in my firsts baby steps in JavaScript on Salesforce Marketing Cloud. In my script i read one Data Extension with an DataExtension.Init("DE") and a DE.Rows.Retrieve(filter). After this, some ...
Pedro Pereira's user avatar
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Why is serverside javascript not working when targeting shared data extension?

I am trying to update or add records to a shared data extension using serverside javascript. The below javascripts only works if I am hard-coding the values. Else nothing happens. In my data extension,...
Tove's user avatar
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Accessing AMPscript rowsets from JavaScript

We're currently using Server Side JavaScript to access Data Extensions, but the performance here is abysmal (often over a second for a single row). So we tried accessing the Data Extensions via ...
korguell's user avatar
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