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Questions tagged [lwc-local-development]

This is a Salesforce feature that allows you to develop and preview Lightning Web Components locally (i.e. without the need to deploy to a sandbox or scratch org)

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1 answer

Error during set up of lwc local development server in VS Code

Whenever I'm trying to run 'sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/lwc-dev-server', I get a bunch of errors and I am unable to install the packages. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?
govind's user avatar
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Error while setting up lwc local development

Getting error while setting up salesforce lwc local development: PS C:\Users\hp\Desktop\SajjanTestProject> sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/lwc-dev-server Polling for new version(s) to become ...
Mahantesh Sajjan's user avatar
1 vote
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500 (Internal Server Error) while adding data in local development for LWC

I'm getting below error when I'm trying to add data using local development: POST http://localhost:3333/webruntime/api/apex/execute 500 (Internal Server Error). In Network tab in Preview I see also: ...
Philip Walker's user avatar
3 votes
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error trying to use LWC light DOM (Beta) on local server

I'm trying to load a sample LWC using the Light DOM (Beta) I've stripped it down to essentially their ...
Phil B's user avatar
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How to load an external library and have it useable in Local Development

So I have loki loaded on it's static resource like a good boy and whenever I run the component in an actual org everything is hunky dory however testing in local dev always makes it return a 404 for ...
Tythus's user avatar
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