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2 answers

empApi PushTopic channel does not exist after successful subscribe

I am trying to debug a flaky connection to a PushTopic. Usually it works and is rock solid, except when it doesn't. The connection is being made from LWC after importing lightning/empApi. Occasionally ...
0 votes
1 answer

Problem with LWC that displays a list of Accounts that re-orders in real-time based on their LastModifiedDate (without webpage refresh)

What I'm trying to do: Display a list of Account records where the order of the accounts updates dynamically in real-time (in a LWC - it doesn't have to be but I think this is the best way to do this) ...
0 votes
0 answers

Salesforce empApi (pushTopic) error

I have a managed package that is deployed at multiple sites without issue however at one site i am getting a an error thrown to the listener (I am subscribing to a pushTopic from an LWC component like ...
0 votes
1 answer

try streaming api in lwc

I tried to use the cometd streaming api with the push topic /systemTopic/Logging to get in lwc all notification when a log is created. I saw that only the api v36 can be used for that so I use the ...
9 votes
3 answers

The better way to import cometD library into LWC

I've been trying to use empAPI on community but unfortunately it's impossible. So I found this staff from trailhead Could anyone please describe me ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to subscribe to streaming platform event in lightning app using emp api

I am unable to subscribe to events using emp API. Taking a look at emp api here I have the following: My HTML: <template> <lightning-card title="StreamingPoc1 Example" icon-name=...
1 vote
0 answers

lightning/empApi: clarification on replayId param in subscribe method

The LWC Docs describe the replayId parameter in the lightning\empApi subscribe method as follows (emphasis is mine): Indicates what point in the stream to replay events from. Specify -1 to get new ...
3 votes
1 answer

LWC + Apex from EMP Api callback : Firing dispatch event or an apex call from Streaming api callback fails in LWC, any workaround?

When a dispatch event or an imperative apex call is made from a streaming api callback, then it throws this error in browser console window and reloads the page . {"event":{"descriptor&...
1 vote
1 answer

lightning/empApi does not handle new record creation

Let's say i have custom object LOT__c in my org and LWC from then I set channel name to /data/...
0 votes
0 answers

empAPI - can't call subscribe method

Can anyone tell me why this code handleCDC(response) { console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); } subscribe(channel, -1, handleCDC).then(response=>{ console.log('success', JSON.stringify(...
8 votes
2 answers

empApi with Lightning Web Components?

I have an LWC in which I want to use EMP API. Docs say that's only currently available in Aura. Do I have to wrap my entire LWC in aura in order to add the EMP API, or can I create a utility aura ...