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Viewing Apex file names in VS Code before retrieving it without using ForceCode extension

Earlier I was using ForceCode extension in VS Code. It had a nice feature to retrieve files ( Apex ) from server. You enter characters in the search box and it will show filtered list of Apex in a ...
vino's user avatar
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VSCode overwrites changes without any warning

I am new to VSCode. I used the following to get all classes updated as per Org: sfdx force:source:retrieve -x src/package.xml After that I made some changes in a class in the deveoper console and ...
वरुण's user avatar
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How can I deploy a single metadata element with ForceCode

I'm pretty new to the world of Visual Studio Code and the ForceCode plugin. I can't seem to find an easy way to manage multiple environments or deploy from one environment to another without changing ...
greenstork's user avatar
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