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Questions tagged [forcecode]

Questions related to the ForceCode Visual Studio extension for SFDC development. ForceCode is not developed by Salesforce and is not related to SFDX.

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ForceCode takes very long to load

I have VS code v1.77.2 and ForceCode v4.0.5 installed on a Windows machine. ForceCode takes more than 15 mins to load. It was suggested to re-install it, but that did not work. Any insight of why ...
Isabel Martinez's user avatar
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Viewing Apex file names in VS Code before retrieving it without using ForceCode extension

Earlier I was using ForceCode extension in VS Code. It had a nice feature to retrieve files ( Apex ) from server. You enter characters in the search box and it will show filtered list of Apex in a ...
vino's user avatar
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Force code extention not opening salesforce login page

I downloaded force code extension for visual studio code. When I'm trying to connect to specific org he doesn't open salesforce login screen in order to log in to the org. Is there any permission ...
Help's user avatar
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3 answers

VSCode overwrites changes without any warning

I am new to VSCode. I used the following to get all classes updated as per Org: sfdx force:source:retrieve -x src/package.xml After that I made some changes in a class in the deveoper console and ...
वरुण's user avatar
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Apex Language Server Extension not getting activated in Visual studio code - ForceCode: Force Menu

I have made changes to the JSON setting like "":"/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_131" but still Force Menu is not getting displayed in the Visual studio code menu. ...
Issac Pal's user avatar
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How can I deploy a single metadata element with ForceCode

I'm pretty new to the world of Visual Studio Code and the ForceCode plugin. I can't seem to find an easy way to manage multiple environments or deploy from one environment to another without changing ...
greenstork's user avatar
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