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Custom metadata type Field Definition Data Type evaluating incorrectly in validation rule

A custom metadata type has a Field Definition related to an Entity. The following validation rule ensures the value of this field can only be a User lookup: AND( FieldDefinition__c != NULL, ...
Mossi's user avatar
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Why does my custom metadata field defintion query not work?

I'm reading the answer to this following question: How to get a field's API name when querying a field of datatype, Metadata Relationship(Field Definition) However, when I run the following ...
MetadataLater's user avatar
6 votes
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Get components of a compound field?

I am currently running into this limitation of Custom Metadata: Custom Metadata Relationships and Compound Fields Since it is still not possible to relate a record to a specific EntityParticle (e.g. ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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