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Automation skipped

I just create two automation to build a loop process in which I don't have to wait 1 hour as it has to be when the Automation is scheduled. Automation A: One script activity that calls the Automation ...
fromero's user avatar
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how to use SSJS to extract all distinct values (may require looping) and push it to sql query in marketing cloud?

I am new to SSJS and have not used it yet. I have a use case where I need to extract JobID and Data Extention Name from SendLog Data Extension. I use JobID and DE_Name in SQL query but right now I ...
kl2's user avatar
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Issue with a script running to lookuprows and loop through the lookup until all rows with the same ContactId have been combined into one row

I am running the following script to lookuprows in a data extension and combine multiple rows with the same contactID into one row - but at the same time taking one column (PH_Name) from the separate ...
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