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Questions tagged [aura-locationchange]

For questions related to the aura:locationChange event.

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two lwc on record flexipage - need second to refresh when changes occur in first [duplicate]

I have two individual LWC's on a record page. From one, I can create records that I the second separate LWC to update. I am able to achieve a refresh for the LWC from which the changes are made. But ...
mackmama's user avatar
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Lightning: New way to detect a change in the URL (effective Summer '18)

Now that aura:locationChange event no longer works with the new URL format ( effective from Summer '18 release. Reference here), is there a way to detect a change in the URL using lightning events or ...
Karthik's user avatar
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Using aura locationChange in lightning communities

After further testing and reading on aura:locationChange component: This event is automatically fired when the hash part of the URL has changed. I understand that, in my community URL, If i ...
glls's user avatar
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