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Can we migrate rich text field data between environments?

Most records contain images embedded in rich text fields which show up as

<img src="Long image URL which is not publicly accessible" />

within the exported CSV.

2 Answers 2


It has very straight answer, No. Becasue images are hosted in separate authenticated server instance so, you cannot access those images in different environment so, it doesn't work.

There is a work around. If you can encode image in base64 then you will be able to access those images as they are independent of server now.

I found this link: http://developer.force.com/cookbook/recipe/converting-a-rich-text-area-fields-image-for-api-upload


I don't know if you need it now but there is a tool special for this from Xappex named XL CONNECTOR. For Mass Import/Export of images stored in Rich Text Area fields in Salesforce. The task of mass downloading/uploading of images from/to Salesforce Rich Text Area fields just got a lot easier: Because the pictures aren't just a link, but pictures ! You can see the tutorial on the websites, I didn't code that but that helps me so I share. If that can help you enjoy it ! best regards

  • Can you explain the specific steps of how this tool can do what the OP is asking? Commented Aug 8, 2023 at 14:25

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