I would like to limit the amount of subscribers retrieved with the following function:
var myList = List.Init(listExternalKey);
var subsArray = myList.Subscribers.Retrieve();
When used on a large list (~8000), the Landing Page times out when using this function.
Is there any way to count the items in the array as it's being retrieved and stop after 200? I don't need the rest of the subscribers if it's not possible to carry on retrieving the rest of them.
The documentation only refers to filtering by specific subscribers, but I don't know which subscribers are in there - and only want x amount of them anyways even if I did. http://help.exacttarget.com/en/documentation/exacttarget/content/server_side_javascript/server_side_javascript_syntax_guide/core_library_server_side_javascript_functions/list_server_side_javascript_functions/
Any help would be much appreciated!