I have a created a custom button using Onclick Javascript action.
I have a custom picklist field on Opportunity; I am just checking the value selected for this field on click of this button.
If the value is X or Y or Z then it should stay in the same page with an alert message,else it should take them to a different site.
The below script works perfectly, but when I click this button on opportunities in which the opportunity name has double quotes then it throws the below error:
missing ) after argument list
e.g: " N "Third Avenue (Opportunity name)
Can anyone please assist me in trouble shooting and a workaround..
function checktype() {
if("{!Opportunity.Opportunity_Type__c}" == "X" ||
"{!Opportunity.Opportunity_Type__c}" == "Y" ||
"{!Opportunity.Opportunity_Type__c}" == "Z"
alert("Opportunity type: {!Opportunity.Opportunity_Type__c} is not supported ");