The Data Integration Guide says

“You can run a maximum of 10 dataflow jobs during a rolling 24-hour period. This limit excludes failed jobs.”

I do not have any successful jobs other than 2 CSV uploads and I am getting the message

“Maximum Daily Analytics Dataflow Executions has been exceeded. Current value is 10, and the limit is 10”

when running dataflow jobs to create a new dataset.

I created a permission set for the Integration User with Edit Analytics Cloud Dataflows permission, assigned the permission set to the user, and I’m getting the error

“Failed Reason for Failure : Error executing node 110 [root cause: None of requested fields is available. Aborting.]”

whenever I manually run a dataflow job. All I am trying to do is import Opportunity and Account data.

What am I missing? Will someone please help?

1 Answer 1


Compare your ELT to the one commented here: error creating a dataset in Analytics Cloud.

If you are unsure how to download and compare have a look at the image found here: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=bi_integrate_dataflow_run.htm&language=en_US

I have seen this issue a few times, I have seen it relate to the following:

  • Null in the naming of the generating dataset
  • No sfdcregister step

Unsure on the 10 unsuccessful count on the ELT Workflow. Do a ticket to Salesforce. I haven't noticed this as an issue previously.

  • Thank you @AndrewPrice. For some reason the name of all datasets I try to create are set to null despite indicating a name when creating the datasets. Manually updating the JSON worked.
    – Tyler
    Commented May 11, 2015 at 16:24

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