I've isolated a syntax error down to one simple addition of an inline IF function.

If I comment out Block B and uncomment A, it compiles fine and renders as expected. If all I do is comment out Block A and uncomment Block B, Mavensmate won't let me compile and throws this error:

Result: [COMPILE FAILED]: (RevenueSchedule) Syntax error.  Missing ')'  (Line: 1, Column: -1)

Block A:

<apex:inputText id="revAmt" 
rendered="{!IF(isLocked == false,'true','false')}" 
onchange="updateTotals('{!revSched.lineItem.id}');" />

Block B:

<apex:inputText id="revAmt" 
rendered="{!IF(isLocked == false,'true','false')}" 
value="{!IF(revSched.scheduleType == 'L',revSched.totalRevenue,sched.revenue)}" 
onchange="updateTotals('{!revSched.lineItem.id}');" />

As you can see, they are identical besides the addition of the IF function to block B. That's the only reason I haven't definitively concluded that the syntax error lies elsewhere on the page. Can anyone see anything definitely wrong syntactically with anything in Block B, or any reason Block A would compile but not B?

  • 1
    as an aside, why are you not using {!IF(NOT(isLocked),true,false)}; also I use = in formulas in lieu of == as merge field formulas don;t follow apex rules
    – cropredy
    Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 17:03
  • I'm the fourth out of four developers to work on this, most of this was existing code Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 17:21
  • many sympathies - is RevenueSchedule the name of the VF page? Sometimes I end up successively commenting out portions of the page in order to look for the issue; if you think this is MavensMate and not the VF compiler, try compiling in Developer Console
    – cropredy
    Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 17:25

1 Answer 1


This works with an output field, but not an input field. The value parameter cannot conditionally bind to two different fields.

<apex:page showHeader="true" sidebar="true" standardController="Account">
        <apex:inputText value="{!IF(FIND(Account.Name, 'a') >= 0, Account.Name, Account.AccountNumber)}"/>

This does not compile, but change inputText to outputText and it will work.

To make this work, you will need to move that logic into your controller.

Set up a conditional getter and a conditional setter to set/get the value of either sched.revenue or revSched.totalRevenue depending on the logic you want.

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