I'm extracting part of a Visualforce page into a component, however there's one piece of functionality that doesn't come across. Here's a simplified apex snippet:
<apex:actionFunction action="{!zipChanged}" name="zipUpdate" rerender="state" />
<apex:inputField value="{!thing.ZipCode__c}" onchange="zipUpdate();" />
<apex:inputText id="state" value="{!thing.State__c}" required="true" />
This works fine in the Visualforce page, but not the component. The onchange fires, and there's a postback in the logs, but I don't see any debug statements even when I add some to the getters/setters that are being called in the logs (so I assume that's the view state or whatever being processed). Needless to say, zipChanged
is not called.
Why is zipChanged
not being called?