I have recently encountered an issue, which I do not seem to be able to resolve. I have set up an approval process that fires up if my PickList__c
is evaluated true to the following value (or entry criterion): 'New'. When clicking on 'Submit for Approval' the PickList value changes to 'Approved', but prior to that I am running a trigger validation on two mandatory fields on the object (Custom_Field1__c
and Custom_Field2__c
). Currently, I have some logics on a before insert and before update trigger and I can use add.Error
to return the error message on the fields. I would like the error(s) to be thrown on the same page, instead I am redirected to a second screen (titled Choose Approver) that looks like this:
I have a couple of questions:
- Why is it redirecting me to the Choose Approver page?
- Is it possible to return the error on the object? Is this possible to return it on the actual fields?
- Am I correct in including the validation on the before insert and before after trigger?
Ideally, I would like to be able to have the error displayed on the fields, but in second instance I can also consider customising the error on the second screen.
Any suggestion is more than welcome!
Thank you for your help,