I am getting the below exception in debug logs when i am trying to enter more then 666 values separated by comma or enter(tried both) in a long text area field.
System.QueryException: length of string value must be less than 4000 characters
Please guide.
private static List<TargetingValue__c> getTargetingValues(List<sObject> sobjs) {
Map<Id, TargetingAttribute__c> targetingAttr = getTargetingAttributes();
// get mapping values
String soql = 'SELECT TargetingAttr__c, DisplayOption__c, IMSMapping__c, TargetingAttr__r.Name, ControllingField__c, ControllingField2__c, ControllingField3__c, ControllingFieldValue__c, ControllingFieldValue2__c, ControllingFieldValue3__c FROM TargetingValue__c WHERE ';
List<String> clauses = new List<String>();
List<TargetingValue__c> targetingValues;
if (targetingAttr!=null && targetingAttr.size()>0) {
for(sobject o:sobjs){
String cntrlfldvalue = String.valueOf(o.get('Country__c'));
for(TargetingAttribute__c f:targetingAttr.values()){
String vallist = String.valueOf(o.get(f.Name));
if (vallist!=null && vallist.length()>0) {
List<String> sfvalst = vallist.split(';');
List<String> sfvals = new List<String>();
for(String s:sfvalst){
String clause = '((ControllingField__c = NULL OR (ControllingField__c = \'Country__c\' AND ControllingFieldValue__c LIKE \'%'+cntrlfldvalue+'%\')) AND ';
clause += 'TargetingAttr__c = \''+f.Id+'\' AND ';
clause += 'DisplayOption__c IN (\'';
clause += String.join(sfvals,'\', \'');
clause += '\'))';
}catch(Exception e){}
soql += '('+String.join(clauses,' OR ')+')';
targetingValues = Database.query(soql);
return targetingValues;
i have to match the value. Is there any way we can enter more characters in a field. Do we have any other field type which allow more characters than long text area ? Or can we upload a csv file which contain all the values ?