Below is the sample code(I wrote it randomly). oncomplete of the actionfunction, javascript is being called, but the picklist value is being "undefined". I even tried $component.id, but the picklist value is still being "undefined". Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

<apex:form id="the form">
 <apex:outputlabel> hi </apex:outputlabel>
    <apex:inputfield value="{!picklist}" onchange="change();"/>

<apex:actionfunction name="change" action={!apexmethod} rerender="theForm" oncomplete"callscript()" />


 function script()
if(picklist == 'yes')
  alert ('random info');
  • 1
    hmm where to begin.. there are so many issues in the code..syntax wise & usage as well.. what exactly is your requirement ? Commented Aug 6, 2014 at 6:14

1 Answer 1


To start, you need to reference the field via a selector or id

Lots of stuff to say, but this should solve your immediate issue

<apex:form id="the form">
 <apex:outputlabel> hi </apex:outputlabel>
    <apex:input field id="thefield" value="{!picklist}" onchange="change();"/>

<apex:actionfunction name="change" action={!apexmethod} rerender="theForm" oncomplete"callscript()" />


 function script()
if(document.getElementById('{!$Component.thefield}').value == 'yes')
  alert ('random info');

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