I am trying to get the total of 5 inputfields onchange. I am using apex:actionFunction but i am not able to call the action method on apex:actionFunction. I have a inputtext which is calling the actionfunction on change and the action function is reRender an outputtext. The output text method is invoked bu the actionFunction action method is not invoked. I tested it by adding a alert meg in javascript and on complete of the actionFunction. I am getting the alert meg but not able to call the action method my code :
<apex:actionFunction name="Update" action="{!totalOut}" oncomplete="test()" reRender="Exp_total" />
function test() {
alert("Alert msg ");
<apex:pageblocksectionitem >
<apex:outputlabel value="" />
<apex:inputfield id="Con" value="{!exp.Expense_total_inc_taxes__c}" required="true" onchange="Update()" />
<apex:pageblocksectionitem >
<apex:outputText value="{!totalIn}" id="Exp_total" >
public string totalExp;
public PageReference totalOut() {
system.debug('Result : total ' + exp.Expense_total_inc_taxes__c);
totalExp = string.valueof(exp.Expense_total_inc_taxes__c);
return null;
public string totalIn;
public String getTotalIn() {
return totalExp;
public void settotalIn(string totalIn){
this.totalIn = totalExp;