I'm getting an error while filtering the search by OwnerId for Task object.

Following is what i'm doing and it is giving me an error : Error: Compile Error: expecting a semi-colon, found ' and OwnerId in :ownerIds' at line 106 column 142

   public void  queryTasks(){

    String qStr2= searchText;
    Set<Id> ownerIds = new Set<Id>();
    String strnormal = '';
         mydate = date.parse(qStr2);
    }catch(Exception e)
    { }

    String strDate = '';
    if(mydate != null) {
     // strnormal = String.valueOf(mydate );
      String[] qstr3 = String.valueOf(mydate).split(' ',2); 
      strDate = ' ActivityDate =  '+ qstr3[0] + ' ';

       strDate  =  'Subject like \'%'+searchText +'%\' OR Status like \'%' +searchText+ '%\' Order By '  + sortField;

    if (ownerIds != null && ownerIds.size() > 0){

      String qStr = 'Select OwnerId,Subject,Status,ActivityDate from Task where '+strDate+' limit ' + QueryLimit + ' offset ' + OffsetSize' and OwnerId in :ownerIds';


        //String qStr ='Select OwnerId,Subject,Status,ActivityDate from Task where \''+strDate +'\' limit ' + QueryLimit + ' offset ' + OffsetSize;
        // String qStr = 'Select OwnerId,Subject,Status,ActivityDate from Task where '+strDate+' limit ' + QueryLimit + ' offset ' + OffsetSize;


        //  String qStr = 'Select OwnerId,Subject,Status,Priority from Task where Subject like \'%'+searchText+'%\' OR Status like \'%'+searchText+ '%\' Order By ' + sortField;

       tasks = Database.query(qStr);


1 Answer 1


Missing a + between OffsetSize' and the rest of the statement:

  String qStr = 'Select OwnerId,Subject,Status,ActivityDate from Task where '+strDate+' limit ' + QueryLimit + ' offset ' + OffsetSize' and OwnerId in :ownerIds';

It should be

  String qStr = 'Select OwnerId,Subject,Status,ActivityDate from Task where '+strDate+' limit ' + QueryLimit + ' offset ' + OffsetSize + ' and OwnerId in :ownerIds';
  • Just want to cross check that i'm mentioning my IF condition for OwnerId after ELSE part of date . This is because i'm getting error for qStr not defined whereas i've already defined .
    – JJoseph
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 13:40
  • @james, yeah thats because you create it with the if() and the try to access it outside the if()....if you declare a variable within an if, you can't access it outside. Read this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope_(computer_science) and then do 50 pushups :) Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 13:50
  • 1
    i'd already mentioned that in If but still the same. Anyways,good learning from you.
    – JJoseph
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 13:56

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