Summary : Subscriber org can not set run as user for client credentials flow after installing a Packaged "External Client App"
I'm developing a 2gp managed package, that includes an "external client app". It will be distributed to clients so that our application can do api communications with their salesforce sales cloud instances.
External Client Apps are relatively new and its a good concept. We developed one, enabled client credentials flow, packaged it and we can successfully install it to a subscriber org.
The problem is, client credentials flow requires a "run as" user. The subscriber org needs to set that under "Manage External Client Apps" page in Setup. And the part of the page that allows that is called "OAuth Flows and External Client App Enhancements" and it is empty, showing : "When you enable flows in this external client app’s settings, they show up here."
Flows are enabled already in the package. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong or if this is a bug.