I am wondering how can I filter data using JavaScript?
For example, I would like to output data in JS.
var layouts = DataExtension.Init("DATA_EXTENSION_NAME").Rows.Retrieve();
You can also loop access that data through a loop. So if your DE has a field called Email, this should pull that value
for (var i = 0; i < deLength; i++) { var layout = layouts[i]['Email']; }
Hope this helps.
You can filter the data extension rows server side prior to the Write
function using
var layouts = DataExtension.Init("DATA_EXTENSION_NAME").Rows.Retrieve({Property:"SomeFieldName",SimpleOperator:"equals",Value:"SomeValue"});
If you are wanting to use the results on the client side you would need to do something like this:
//server side
<script runat="server">
var layouts = DataExtension.Init("DATA_EXTENSION_NAME").Rows.Retrieve({Property:"SomeFieldName",SimpleOperator:"equals",Value:"SomeValue"});
var layouts = Stringify(layouts);
//client side
var layouts = <ctrl:var name=layouts />
This should now allow you to work with the layouts variable client-side as JSON.