I want to find every record that occurs at least two times. The result should be something like this

MyLineItem__c Type__c ItemValueString__c Count
Foo Boo Booze 2
Yal Bal Jazz 2
Xul Xal Xray 3

I tried this query

SELECT MyLineItem__c, Type__c, 
       ItemValueString__c, Count(Id)
FROM MyDetail__c 
     CreatedDate > 2024-01-20T00:00:00.000Z
     MyLineItem__c, Type__c, ItemValueString__c

and got

INVALID_FIELD [object Object]: MyLineItem__c , Type__c, ItemValueString__c ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:196 field 'ItemValueString__c' can not be grouped in a query call

The field ItemValueString__c is encrypted

Custom Field Definition Edit

Based on What types of fields are groupable in a SOQL GROUP BY clause? i assume that the encryption is the cause for the error message.


  • How to handle encypted fields?
  • What can be done to analyze these field?
  • 3
    You cannot use shield encrypted fields in WHERE, GROUP BY and ORDER BY. This is covered in the documentation. You might consider adding a field to hold the hash of the data for the encrypted field and use that in your GROUP BY.
    – Phil W
    Commented Jan 26 at 9:13
  • If your org has moved to Hyperforce, you can remove encryption on these fields as the entire (disk) volume is now encrypted
    – cropredy
    Commented Jan 26 at 16:45

1 Answer 1


You cannot use shield encrypted fields in WHERE, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. This is covered in the documentation. You might consider adding a field to hold the hash of the data for the encrypted field and use that in your GROUP BY.

Since your ItemValueString__c field is a string, you can easily add a second field, like ItemValueHash__c, that is an integer. You would then include automation (through an apex trigger) that reacts when the ItemValueString__c is set or updated (so in before insert and before update):

for (MyDetail__c newRecord : Trigger.new) {
    MyDetail__c oldRecord = (Trigger.oldMap != null) ?
        Trigger.oldMap.get(newRecord.Id) :

    if (newRecord.ItemValueString__c != oldRecord?.ItemValueString__c) {
        newRecord.ItemValueHash__c = newRecord.ItemValueString__c.hashCode();

Now you can GROUP BY ItemValueHash__c instead. Other aspects of the query may require update too (such as not including the ItemValueString__c in the results).

  • Regarding ItemValueHash__c - do you know if hashCollisions are more likely to occur for shorter strings (ABC, DEF) compared to longer strings (ABCDEFGHIJ, KLMNOPQRST)?
    – surfmuggle
    Commented Jan 26 at 14:17
  • 1
    With the assumption Salesforce use the Java string hash code algorithm (seems very likely to me), the length of a string can affect the likelihood of a hash collision, but (apparently) not in a significant or deterministic way. Take a look here or here.
    – Phil W
    Commented Jan 26 at 15:46

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