I seem to have run in to a SOQL error that I'm hoping someone has solved before.
I am creating a dashboard for UserLogins using the LoginHistory object
The query I am trying to run is:
FROM loginhistory
WHERE logintime = THIS_MONTH
AND userid IN ('id1', 'id2', ...)
When I run the query I get back this agg result:
[ {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "AggregateResult"
"agg" : 1
} ]
What I need is the number of distinct logins within the time frame, however when I add a GROUP BY UserID salesforce errors:
"Grouped field should not be aggregated: UserId"
SELECT userid,COUNT_DISTINCT(userid) agg
FROM loginhistory
WHERE logintime = TODAY
AND userid IN ('id1','id1')
GROUP BY userid