Hello I have created list of automations on cloud page and want to generate link to each automation

Is there a way how to generate the link?


I want to know if I can dynamically provide the last part of the link


I have only figured that 'UToyNTow' is used in all automations url but they change with time as well


2 Answers 2


For the ones who need this, here is an explanation:

There is an unofficial endpoint that SFMC uses:


Pagination is a bit different than usual REST APIs. It works with skip=0, skip=1 and so on. Not with page as other REST APIs.

When you do GET request for that REST endpoint, the response is something like:

"startIndex": 0,
"itemsPerPage": 50,
"totalResults": 93,
"entry": [
        "id": "someID",
        "key": "someKey",
        "createdDate": "2021-06-02T22:42:16.51Z",

That someID is the ID you need to formulate the automation.

Please never use this endpoint in PROD environment. It is not an official endpoint and not recommended for daily use.


Basically, the string I'm looking for is 'ID,' but I cannot retrieve it with the WS Proxy. I suppose this can only be retrieved via REST or SOAP.

Even when I add this 'ID' and compose a URL, unfortunately, it will not work.

EDIT: when you use link as:


where UkJXeDl5OXNuVUt0N2NYSi12OWZEZzoyNTow is automation ID (retrievable only via API you can do it )

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