I have pretty simple Custom Modal LWC. I want it to navigate to Customer Portal Home Page onclose of the modal. Below is the code:

import LightningModal from 'lightning/modal';
import {NavigationMixin} from "lightning/navigation";

export default class DonorRegistrationModal extends NavigationMixin(LightningModal) {
    handleOkay() {

    navigateToHomePage() {
            type: 'comm__namedPage',
            attributes: {
                name: 'Home'

So, when clicking OK button I expect the modal to close and the page to be redirected to Home Page.

Actually I get exception.

Uncaught (in promise) Error: LWR4002: Could not find context to perform navigation action.

I cannot find any information regarding this exception.

Can somebody help me?

2 Answers 2


The possible reason for this error is that the navigation service requires a context to perform the navigation action, and the context is lost when the modal is closed.

To fix this, you may need to use a different approach to close the modal and navigate to the home page.

For example, you can try using the following steps:

  • In your modal component, instead of calling the close method and the navigateToHomePage method in the handleOkay method, emit a custom event with a payload that indicates the action to be performed. For example:


 handleOkay() {
       const event = new CustomEvent('closemodal', {
         detail: {
           action: 'navigate'
  • In your parent component, handle the custom event and perform the navigation action based on the payload.
  • For example:


handleCloseModal(event) {
   const action = event.detail.action;
   if (action === 'navigate') {
      type: 'comm__namedPage',
      attributes: {
          name: 'Home'

This way, you can avoid the error and navigate to the home page on close of the modal.

  • Thanks a lot for yor comment. I tried to implement your solution and nothing happened, neither the page was redirected, nor the modal closed. I tryed not to call close() method of Modal but only Navigate, the result is the same exception... Commented Nov 22, 2023 at 13:49

The only reason is that NavigationMixin cannot be applied to LightningModal. Modal can pass parameter via close() method to the parent LWC which itself can redirect with help of NavigationMixin.

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