I have a DE extension where I have saved 1 record by querying:

Select top 1
from _job

Output is saved in data extension: DataView_Job_DE

Now, I am writing another query where I want to get value from DataView_Job_DE in my select statement like this:

'Orange' as FavColor,
(SELECT TOP 1 EmailName FROM ENT.DataView_Job_DE) AS EmailName
FROM Customer_DE

The above query is throwing an error:

An error occurred while checking the query syntax. Errors: Old style JOIN (ANSI JOINs) syntax is not allowed. Please use standard syntax.

How can I resolve this error? Any advise?

1 Answer 1


Surely there is a more direct way to this - but to stick with your approach to first have one record isolated, here's how it could be achieved.

number your first query's result:

Select top 1
,Row_Number() OVER (Partition by jobid ORDER BY Jobid) as rowNumber
from _job

...returning something like this to your DataView_Job_DE (which needs an extra field), which still has one record, but the record is numbered:

JobID EmailName CreatedDate JobType JobStatus rowNumber

12345 / Test / Nov 22 2022 3:22AM / MULTIPLE_SEND / New / 1

Then select from your customers, joining the other table to get the row with rowNumber being 1.

'Orange' as FavColor,
pre.EmailName AS EmailName
FROM Customer_DE c


[result of first Query] pre
on pre.rowNumber = 1
  • Hi @Jonas Lamberty the INNER JOIN will have just the table name, right? INNER JOIN ON DataView_Job_DE on pre.rowNumber = 1? Sorry, I am not following that is [result of first Query] ?
    – kl2
    Commented May 12, 2023 at 11:41
  • Replace [result of first Query] with the data extension name of the first query's target DE. You can omit the brackets, unless you use spaces in your DE Name ;) Commented May 12, 2023 at 13:16
  • Thank you, I will mark this as closed / answers. Based on learning from this approach, I have posted another question, i would really appreciate if you could please help / guide? salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/403185/…
    – kl2
    Commented May 12, 2023 at 15:38

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