I'm working on a MacBook Pro, so I log into production via a browser, then I open a Terminal window and I authenticate:
sfdx auth:device:login -r https://blue.my.salesforce.com
I type in the code and I am successfully logged in.
Now I can run some SOQL queries:
sfdx force:data:soql -t -q "select Id, Username from User where lastname = 'Ham'" -r csv > results.csv
This works great.
However, if I do this:
sfdx force:data:soql -t -q "select Id, Username, Email from User where lastname = 'Ham'" -r csv > results.csv
sfdx force:data:soql -t -q "select Id, Username, FederationId from User where lastname = 'Ham'" -r csv > results.csv
then I get errors like:
select Id, Username, Email
ERROR at Row:1:Column:22
No such column 'Email' on entity 'User'. If
you are attempting to use a custom field, be
sure to append the '__c' after the custom field
name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe
call for the appropriate names.
But if I switch to the web browser, and open a Developer Console, then I can run this query:
select Id, Username, Email from User where lastname = 'Ham'
This works great.
Obviously User has a field called Email, it's one of the built-in fields.
So why can I query Email in a Developer Console but not via the sfdx ClI?
This question/answer focuses on the issue of field level visibility:
"No such column on entity" error for an existing custom field
but again, I can run this query in the developer console and it works. I am a system administrator, I have visibility on almost everything, and all of these SOQL queries work in the Developer Console. So why would it not work in sfdx? I am authenticating as myself.