I have inherited a cumulus ci project and can see that the process for creating scratch orgs and pushing releases to the packaging org is all set up.
However, it looks like some scripts are being used to push to our patch org.
The script in particular is doing this:
git checkout patch/5.49.x
git fetch --all
git pull
rm -R ./src.orig
#Create the permission set that will be wiped out before the upload to avoid errors
cp ./force-app/main/default/permissionsets/MY_Feature_Bulk_SMS.permissionset-meta.xml ./force-app/main/default/permissionsets/MY_DX_DO_NOT_PACKAGE.permissionset-meta.xml
cci flow run ci_master --org my-patch-5.49
I was surprised that CCI doesn't support the patch org deployment more directly.
What are the differences between deploying to our patch org and packaging org?
I would rather use something standard or follow a document for best practices, but I do not see direct support for patch orgs in the code or the docs?