I have tried lightning-emp-api but it only works if the component is in the salesforce lightning pages itself, and not in my "homemade" experience sites.
Is there any way I can subscribe to such event on experience sites?
I have tried lightning-emp-api but it only works if the component is in the salesforce lightning pages itself, and not in my "homemade" experience sites.
Is there any way I can subscribe to such event on experience sites?
Community users don't have access to Push Topics and Platform Event, Data Change Event are built on Push Topics.
There is a way to do it -
you need to download cometd from cometD Extract and upload the cometd.js from the common folder as a static resource.
import { loadScript } from "lightning/platformResourceLoader";
import cometdlwc from "@salesforce/resourceUrl/cometd";
/* connectedCallBack should be connectedCallback with a lower case b as JavaScript is case sensitive */
loadScript(this, cometdlwc)
.then(() => {
var cometdlib = new window.org.cometd.CometD();
//Calling configure method of cometD class, to setup authentication which will be used in handshaking
url: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + '/cometd/47.0/',
requestHeaders: { Authorization: 'OAuth ' + this.sessionId}, // you need get the sessionId from Apex
appendMessageTypeToURL : false,
logLevel: 'debug'
cometdlib.websocketEnabled = false;
cometdlib.handshake(function(status) {
if (status.successful) {
// Successfully connected to the server.
// Now it is possible to subscribe or send messages
console.log('Successfully connected to server');
cometdlib.subscribe('/event/PlatformEvent__e', function (message) {
console.log('subscribed to message!'+ message);
} else {
/// Cannot handshake with the server, alert user.
console.error('Error in handshaking: ' + JSON.stringify(status));