I keep getting the following error on either field CaseEmailAddress or Action Take on G2 and I have no idea why? My previous trigger was working I just added a couple new fields like first name, last name, web form phone. Code coverage is at 100%.
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, GrabCaseDescriptionText: data changed by trigger for field Action Take on G2:: data value too large: (value has been hidden): []
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, GrabCaseDescriptionText: data changed by trigger for field CaseEmailAddress: data value too large: (value has been hidden): []
This trigger will be looking at two different web submissions and getting sent to a case where I can create a lead from. I have 1 form from G2 (where its just using name) and another where the form submission is via first + last name.
I even updated my char limits for my text fields but that doesnt seem to be working.
Any help would be greatly apprecviated!
trigger GrabCaseDescriptionText on Case (before insert, before update) { for (Case c: Trigger.new) { if (c.Description != null) { List lines = new List(); lines = c.Description.split('\n');
for (String line: lines) {
if(line.contains('Email: ')){
line.remove('Email: ');
c.CaseEmailAddress2__c = line.remove('Email: ');
if(line.contains('email: ')){
line.remove('email: ');
c.CaseEmailAddress__c = line.remove('email: ');
if(line.contains('First name: ')){
line.remove('First name: ');
c.First_Name__c = line.remove('First name: ');
if(line.contains('Last name: ')){
line.remove('Last name: ');
c.Last_Name__c = line.remove('Last name: ');
if(line.contains('name: ')){
line.remove('name: ');
c.Submitter_Name__c = line.remove('name: ');
if(line.contains('action takeN on G2: ')){
line.remove('action takeN on G2: ');
c.Action_Take_on_G2__c = line.remove('action takeN on G2: ');
if(line.contains('industry: ')){
line.remove('industry: ');
c.Industry__c = line.remove('industry: ');
if(line.contains('How many users are you looking to onboard?: ')){
line.remove('How many users are you looking to onboard?: ');
c.Users_to_Onboard__c = line.remove('How many users are you looking to onboard?: ');
if(line.contains('What service are you using today?: ')){
line.remove('What service are you using today?: ');
c.Current_Device__c = line.remove('What service are you using today?: ');
if(line.contains('company size: ')){
line.remove('company size: ');
c.Company_Size__c = line.remove('company size: ');
if(line.contains('company: ')){
line.remove('company: ');
c.Submitter_s_Company__c = line.remove('company: ');
if(line.contains('phone number: ')){
line.remove('phone number: ');
c.Submitter_s_Phone__c = line.remove('phone number: ');
if(line.contains('Current phone number: ')){
line.remove('Current phone number: ');
c.Web_Form_Phone__c = line.remove('Current phone number: ');
if(c.CaseEmailAddress__c !=null){
List<Contact> cons = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Email=:c.CaseEmailAddress__c LIMIT 1];
Test Class
public class TestCaseComment {
static testMethod void insertCase() {
Case c = new Case();
c.Status = 'New';
c.Origin = 'Email';
c.Description =
'email: [email protected]'+
'Email: [email protected]' +
'name: Christopher Martin'+
'First name: Christopher' +
'Last name: Martin' +
'How many users are you looking to onboard?: 2 - 5'+
'What service are you using today?: Personal device' +
'phone number: 09090909'+
'Current phone number: 09090909' +
'company: Wake Wash'+
'action takeN on G2: Requested'+
'company size: 2-10 employees'+
'industry: Consumer Services'+
'lead submitted at: 2022-07-28T09:39:15.059-05:00';
insert c;
} }