I'm making a SF org where i need to retrieve data from a 2nd SF org. I have created Connected App in my Source Org, and i have created Auth. Provider and Named Credential in the Portal Org (that the users are gonna use).
In the Portal Org, i have this Apex code:
public with sharing class AuthCallout {
public static Http http = new Http();
public static HTTPResponse response;
public static HttpRequest request;
public static void getContact(Id conId) {
request = new HttpRequest();
request.setEndpoint('callout:DataOrgAPI/services/apexrest/Contact/' + conId);
response = http.send(request);
The Data Org has this Apex Code:
global with sharing class ContactAPI {
global static Contact doGet() {
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
String conId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
Contact result = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE Id = :conId];
return result;
To test to see if i can find the data in the Source Org, I've tried to run this in Anonymous Window.
Currently getting StatusCode 302 Code in the response.
But I'm not able to find Contacts in the Data Org, only in my Portal Org. I also retrieve nothing from response.getBody().
Any ideas on how i can find the values in the Data Org?