I am having JSON structure like this

            "name":"Arisun AD737 (Set of 8)",
            "name":"Set of 8",
            "bundled_item_title":"Set of 8",

the tree nodes are interlinked

I want to pickout the quantity from third block but for that i have to traverse from 1 to 2 and with the help of 2 i have to get quantity in third block.

  1. From First i have to get the composite_children //386
  2. With this i have to get the bundled_items from second //387
  3. with the id got from 2 I have to get the quantity // 16

I tried in this way

Set<Object> compositeChildernId= new Set<Object>();

for(Object LineItem:lstMetaData){
     Map<String,Object> MapLineItems= (Map<String, Object>)LineItem;
      for(String MapLineItem :  MapLineItems.keyset()){
             if( MapLineItem == 'composite_children'){
                  List<Object> tempObjMap = (List<Object>) MapLineItems.get('composite_children');                  
                   if( tempObjMap.size()>0){


with the above i can get only the composite_children id like parentComponentID >>>{386, 389, 392, 400} but not able to traverse through the next loop

1 Answer 1


You don't have a Map structure there, you actually have a JSON array.

I recommend defining a LineItem class deserializing into that:

class LineItem{
  Integer id;
  //add other attributes as you need
  Integer[] composite_children;
  Integer[] bundled_items;


LineItem[] lineItems = (LineItem[])JSON.deserialize(jsonItems,LineItem[].class);

Put into a map:

Map<Integer,LineItem> lineItemsById = new Map<Integer,LineItem>();
for (LineItem l : lineItems){

Now you can really get somewhere:

for (LineItem l : lineItems){
  for (Integer id : l.composite_children){
    LineItem childLineItem = lineItemsById.get(id);

Note, I'm not sure quite what you are going to do with that number, but this should get you one your way.

Don't forget null checks!!

  • my requirement is different but your solution only gave idea to achieve that. Thanks
    – klnavi
    Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 16:13

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