I want to know the behavior that when you apply the changes in the sql outside the Automation,

It will be applied automatically in Automation?

Ex. Automation[A] has sql activities. I did want to stop the Automation itself so I applied the changes of sql activities outside the Automation.

1 Answer 1


Good question. I had a suspicion, but went ahead and tested this. Suspicion was wrong.

Altering the Activity DOES change the running automation containing the query.


enter image description here

this is recordsWithA data Extension

enter image description here

the recordsWithB DE is the same, just contains a "B" record. A third DE result has the same structure, but no records.

Pre-run: Run this query once.

/* overwrite result */

From this you get the "A" record in the "result" DE:

enter image description here

Actual test.

schedule the automation with the "recordsWithA" query for "in two minutes".

enter image description here

in the meantime, go to activities.

change the sql activity to pull records from "recordsWithB", not touching the automation in "overview".

/* overwrite result */

After two minutes, go to Automation Overview. Double check that your Automation ran for the second time:

enter image description here

Check the result DE - The result is now B:

enter image description here

  • Thanks for your effort Jonas ! It's really good help to me.
    – Z11
    Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 2:00

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