I am using an Apex Action from SF Unofficial to Pos to Slack from a Flow.
One of the parameters in Apex Action is the "block" which builds the body json string for the Slack Post.
In the block I am using various merge fields.
The challenge is that the merge fields can contain quotes which then invalidates the json.
I could run each of the fields through a formula to remove the quotes and use these in the block, however this is tedious.
I would like to modify the Apex Class to identify the Text values and remove just the quotes from the merge fields.
So in the example below I would just remove the " around the word quotes
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*Subject:* How can I remove the "quotes" from this Subject"
Below is the full Apex Class
global without sharing class PostToSlackPlus {
@InvocableMethod(label='Post to Slack Plus' description='Post Message to Slack Plus' callout=true)
global static List<Response> execute(List<Request> requests) {
String endpoint = 'https://slack.com/api/' + 'chat.postMessage';
List<Response> curResponses = new List<Response>();
Map<String,Object> responseMap = new Map<String,Object>();
for (Request curRequest: requests ){
Response curResponse = new Response();
String token = curRequest.token;
String body = formBody(curRequest);
System.debug('body is: ' + body);
if(!Test.isRunningTest()) {
responseMap = SlackUtils.Send(endpoint, token, body);
System.debug('response from chat.postMessage is: ' + responseMap);
} else {
String testResponse = sampleResponse;
responseMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(testResponse);
System.debug('response from chat.postMessage is: ' + responseMap);
curResponse.timeStamp = (String)responseMap.get('ts');
curResponse.ok = (Boolean)responseMap.get('ok');
curResponse.errorMessage = (String)responseMap.get('error');
return curResponses;
private static String formBody(Request curRequest) {
String body = '{';
body = body + '"channel":"' + curRequest.channelId + '",';
if(curRequest.blocks != null && curRequest.blocks != '') {
curRequest.blocks = curRequest.blocks.replace('\r\n', '\n ');
curRequest.blocks = curRequest.blocks.replace('\r', '\n ');
body = body + '"blocks":' + curRequest.blocks+ ',';
if(curRequest.thread_ts != null && curRequest.thread_ts != '') {
body = body + '"thread_ts":"' + curRequest.thread_ts + '",';
if(curRequest.username != null && curRequest.username != '') {
body = body + '"username":"' + curRequest.username + '",';
if(curRequest.unfurl_links != null && curRequest.unfurl_links != '') {
body = body + '"unfurl_links":"' + curRequest.unfurl_links + '",';
if(curRequest.attachments != null && curRequest.attachments != '') {
body = body + '"attachments":"' + curRequest.attachments + '",';
if(curRequest.text != null && curRequest.text != '') {
body = body + '"text":"' + curRequest.text + '"';
body = body + '}';
return body;
final static String sampleResponse = '{'
+ ' "ok": true,'
+'"channel": "C1H9RESGL",'
+' "ts": "1503435956.000247",'
+' "message": {'
+' "text": "Here\'s a message for you",'
+' "username": "ecto1",'
+' "bot_id": "B19LU7CSY",'
+' "attachments": ['
+' {'
+' "text": "This is an attachment",'
+' "id": 1,'
+' "fallback": "This is an attachment\'s fallback"'
+' }'
+' ],'
+' "type": "message",'
+' "subtype": "bot_message",'
+' "ts": "1503435956.000247"'
+' }'
+ '}';
global class Request {
global String text; //main message unless you're using blocks
global String blocks;
global String channelId;
global String token;
global String thread_ts;
global String username;
global String unfurl_links;
global String attachments;
global class Response {
global String errorMessage;
global String timeStamp;
global Boolean ok;
)to preserve original data?