submitDetails: function (component, event, helper) {   
    var selectCmp = event.getSource();
    console.log("selectCmp", selectCmp);
    var questions = component.find("questionEditForm");
    console.log("questions", questions);

    if (Array.isArray(questions) == true) {
      questions.forEach((form) => {
        console.log("form" + form);
    } else {

    component.set("v.isQuestionChange", false);
    console.log("check save");

How can I modify the field value of each edit form before form.submit(); I have trouble when I modify things in the process builder then my aura page load before the process builder finish, the information don't up to date.

  • Do you have recordEditForm in an iteration? Commented Dec 21, 2021 at 5:02
  • hi @SachinHooda. Yeah, I am using it in an interation.
    – Le Hiep
    Commented Dec 22, 2021 at 8:38

1 Answer 1


try it like this :-

onSubmitHandler(event) {
// Get data from submitted form
const fields = event.detail.fields;
// Here you can execute any logic before submit
// and set or modify existing fields
fields.Name = fields.Name + fields.Phone
// You need to submit the form after modifications


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