I have an apex:repeat that runs through a large list of items. Currently we have a number of buttons that allow the user to see the item details in a new window, launch the item in a new window, view a certificate (in a new window) if the item has been completed and remove the item using a PageReference in the customController (in some circumstances).
This all looks a bit busy on screen so I want to put them all in a selectOption. I can render the items when I want them rendered but I cannot make the items active. Any ideas?
Below is an example details button:
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!curr_i.item.RecordType.DeveloperName == 'Item'}" >
<apex:outputLink value="{!$Page.Details}?id={!curr_i.item.Id}&type=Thing" target="_blank" ><img src="{!URLFOR($Resource.Container, 'img/info24.png')}" title="ITEM DETAILS" alt="" /></apex:outputLink>
An example page reference call:
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!curr_i.item.RecordType.DeveloperName == 'Item'}" >
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!curr_i.item.assignment.CreatedBy.id == currentUserId}">
<apex:outputLink value="javascript:void(0);"
onclick="if(confirm('Are you sure you want to permanently remove this item?')){remove('{!curr_i.item.Assignment.ID}','module');}else{return false;}"><img class="btn" src="{!URLFOR($Resource.Container, 'NewIcons/button_delete.png')}" title="REMOVE" alt="" />