I have a visualforce page that I can open from a lightning web component with using the following:
openPdf1() {
type: 'standard__webPage',
attributes: {
url: '/apex/GroupStructurePDF?aid=' + this.recordId + '&gn=' + this.selectedgroupnumber + '&st=' + this.selectedstatus
}).then(generatedUrl => {
This works fine. I am trying to save this pdf to the record and email it. From the button on the LWC I call an apex method. Here is the code that tries to create the PDF:
// Create Email Attachment
// Use web service to retrieve pdf as a blob
Blob pdf = GroupStructureCreateAttachment.CreateAttachment(
gsn.Account__c, gsn.Group_Number__c, gsn.Active2__c,
gsn.Section_Code__c, gsn.Package_Code__c, gsn.Group_Structure_File_Sent__c);
// system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Here is teh blob' + pdf);
/////3/4/21 = testing to attach the file
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment mailAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
mailAttachment.setFileName(gsn.Group_Structure_File_Sent__c + ' Group Structures for ' + aName + '.pdf');
Here is the apex class, GroupStructureCreateAttachment.CreateAttachment:
global class GroupStructureCreateAttachment {
@AuraEnabled webservice static Blob CreateAttachment(
String aid,
String gn,
String af,
String sc,
String pc,
String st) {
system.debug('!1 aid' + aid);
system.debug('!2 gn' + gn);
system.debug('!3 af' + af);
system.debug('!4 sc' + sc);
system.debug('!4 pc' + pc);
system.debug('!5 st' + st);
// Generate the Invoice as a pdf file by retrieving
// the PDF as a Blob from the Visualforce page
PageReference gsPDF = Page.GroupStructurePDF;
gsPDF.getParameters().put('aid', aid);
gsPDF.getParameters().put('gn', gn);
gsPDF.getParameters().put('af', af);
gsPDF.getParameters().put('sc', sc);
gsPDF.getParameters().put('pc', pc);
gsPDF.getParameters().put('st', st);
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, '2 gsPDF is here......' + gspdf.getContent());
// This is required because the test code cannot
// use the getContent function.
Blob pdf = Blob.valueOf('Big Blob');
if (!test.isRunningTest()) {
pdf = gsPDF.getContent();
return pdf;
All of the system debug statements are getting populated as expected. I added a debug to the GroupStructurePDF class and I'm finding that the debug never runs. So it seems that I'm never really getting to the GroupStructurePDF page/class that is being rendered as a PDF. Is there something I need to set on the GroupStrucutrePDF page/class so that it can be reached from the LWC? Like I said above, this works when I just navigate directly from LWC to the VF page as a PDF. Just can't save it.
Thank you!!!