It seems LWC doesn't have a standard way to convert an app/page to PDF. I've tried using VFP w/LWC in it via lightning out, as per here:
But that doesn't make the LWC content available for the VFP's renderAsPdf() behavior. I was able to get a PDF, but it was always blank.
Alternatively, I've grabbed the HTML from my LWC app in the chrome dev tools and stuffed that into a string to send to the Blob.toPdf( str ). That throws an endless supply of errors while parsing the string however. Simpler strings with proper HTML worked fine however.
Is there a way to get HTML from the LWC rendered in the browser so I can send that to Blob.toPdf()?It seems like that's not possible. The only other options I'm aware of are to write Apex to generate the HTML string manually, or a VFP that accepts data and renders itself as a PDF.