I am trying to query profiles having visibility with some applications. I used the following query:
SELECT Id, SetupEntityId, Parent.Profile.Name, SetupEntityType FROM SetupEntityAccess WHERE SetupEntityType = 'TabSet' AND SetupEntityId IN ('02uD0000000GIiMIAW')
I get following results:
Id SetupEntityId SetupEntityType PermissionSet.Profile.Name
*some 18 digit id* *some 18 digit id* TabSet Standard User
*some 18 digit id* *some 18 digit id* TabSet System Administrator
But there is also a requirement wherein I have to display the application label instead of some 18 digit ID , so I modified my query to:
SELECT Id, SetupEntityId, SetupEntity.Label, Parent.Profile.Name, SetupEntityType FROM SetupEntityAccess WHERE SetupEntityType = 'TabSet' AND SetupEntityId IN ('02uD0000000GIiMIAW')
Upon running the query, I am now getting the following error:
I am just trying to get the label of the application itself, but I am now stuck.
Hoping someonce can help me on this.
pertains to the applicationID itself so I assumed that it is already directly linked.